OBA Bulletin Board
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Action taken report. [ Dated: April/01/2019 ]
Action taken report.
Dear OBA members,
We the members of the GC are committed to work for the benefit of the SEMOBA and are giving our best to achieve our aim of taking the SEMOBA to greater heights.
To begin with we have successfully got the names of office bearers changed with the Registrar of Societies. Something that had not been done till date by any of the GCs. Mr. Upendera Taneja our member was a great help in getting the same done. He took time out from his busy schedule, to not only go along with the undersigned but also to guide the undersigned about the necessary steps to be taken to get the said work done. The undersigned along with the other GC members extend their thanks to Mr.Taneja for his help in getting the work done.
Next in order of things to be done was the change in signatories. Almost since the inception or at least from 2005 the signatories were never changed. So we embarked upon the tedious and labor intensive task of getting it done. This involved arranging documents from various places, signatures of various members who are placed all over and numerous visits to the bank. But at last the hard work paid off and today the changes were done. With the changes the present GC members are the signatories of the bank accounts.
Further the undersigned personally followed up with Mr.Bindra and after a number of efforts made by the undersigned, Mr. Shervani and others, the undersigned was able to meet Mr. Bindra on last Sunday. He has handed over some paperwork which the GC is yet to sift through and see. There is even a box full of termite eaten receipt books from some unknown previous GC s time. Efforts are on to reconcile the documents we have received. We are yet to receive the statement of accounts from Mr Bindra and also the souvenirs that are in his possession. He has assured the undersigned that he shall be handing over both the details of accounts of the various get together, the remaining documents and also the souvenirs that are in his possession in a couple of weeks.
For the formation of Chapters the undersigned has started to get in touch with OB s across the country. The chapter formation is also moving along. There are other works in progress and about these the OBs will be updated from time to time.
I request all OBs to extend their unequivocal support to the GC to help us do more. We request you all to inspire all other non members to join the SEMOBA.
Roopesh Sharma
On behalf of all the GC members
MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SJC OBA [ Dated: March/10/2019 ]
- Mr. Roopesh Sharma, President
- Mr. Pankaj Sachdeva, Secretary
- Mr. Sanjay Goel, Treasurer
- Mr. Gagandeep Chadha, Member
- Mr. Swapnil Saraf, Member
- Mr. Saeed Shervani, Special Invitee
- Saurabh Sharma, Member
- Mr. Roopesh Called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- Minutes of the last meeting of 6th January 2019 were presented and were unanimously adopted.
- Mr. Roopesh introduced Mr. Saeed Shervani to the GC members and requested Mr. Shervani to accept the post of a Nominee / Co-opted member of the GC. Mr. Shervani willingly accepted the post. President also suggested the name of Mr. Harish Tiwari as the second Nominee / Co-opted member and sought his consent telephonically. Mr. Harish accepted the post. The posts of the Vice President and 3rd Co-opted member shall be decided in due course.
- President, in his opening address laid emphasis on the modes of communication so as to effectively reach out to the OB's. He suggested that the existing website - www.semoba.in should be revamped so as to make it more interactive and effective. He presented the quotations received from two vendors. Two more quotations are awaited. The existing vendor, M/s. Kritivity Web Solutions P. Ltd., has offered to split the payment of Rs.90000/- into two years. Decision shall be taken after the receipt of the balance two quotations. Other modes of communication like Business WhatsApp group, Instagram, Facebook etc also shall be handled by Swapnil Saraf and Gagandeep. A dedicated mobile number shall be procured along with a hand set for managing the exclusive Business WhatsApp group. Swapnil to get the same done asap.
- Discussions were made on the events for the year 2019-20. It was decided that at least 1-2 GC members shall attend the Annual Sports day of SJC on 17th May 2019 and present the first Scholarship awards to the two toppers of STD X as was introduced in the recently concluded AGM of SJCOBA. The AGM for the year 2018-19 shall be held in the NCR on 14th September 2019 followed by a get-together of the OB's along with family members. Venue and time shall be decided later.
- It was decided to alter the Bye Laws of SJC OBA so as to change the name of the Association from Old Boys Association as Girls also study in Std XI / XII. Change of registered address and also to incorporate provisions for adding Area wise Chapters of SJC OBA amongst other changes. President shall prepare the amendments and present in the next GC meeting for Adoption. Thereafter a GBM shall be called, for ratification of the amendments, as per the present provisions of the Bye Laws. It was decided to have the President's residence address as the address for correspondence.
- President fixed up 14th March 2019 for signing of the Bank Signatories for the current period of the GC. He spoke to Mr. Ranvir Singh, Past President and Mr. Sunil Sahai to be present at HDFC bank on 14th March along with Pankaj Sachdeva, Sanjay Goel and Saurabh Sharma who would be the signing authorities for the period of the present GC including himself. The following Resolution was thus passed:
Resolved that- Mr. Roopesh Sharma - President, Mr. Pankaj Sachdeva - Secretary, Sanjay Goel - Treasurer and Saurabh Sharma - Member Executive only are authorised to jointly sign and deliver necessary all cheques of the Association from time to time as may be requested and ratified by the Board of Members till the next Governing Council is elected or the current Governing Council gets dissolved, whichever is earlier.
- HDFC Bank be instructed to accept and honour and credit to the Account all moneys deposited with or collect and credit into the Account all cheques that are deposited and notes, bills, other negotiable instruments, orders or receipts in the name of the Association that are endorsed/signed/issued by Mr Sanjay Goel - Treasurer and/ or Mr. Roopesh Sharma, Mr. Pankaj Sachdeva and Saurabh Sharma jointly.
- Mr. Shervani suggested various options for awarding the retired teachers of SJC and also the Meritious OB's who have excelled in their respective professions viz: Bureaucrats, Defense Personals, Businessmen, etc.
- President informed the floor that necessary formalities have to be completed with the Registrar of Societies which have not been done since quite some years. He telephonically requested Mr. Upender Taneja, to extend support, who immediately and willing agreed to meet the President-Roopesh at the office of the Registrar of Societies, Saket, New Delhi on 13th March 2019.
- The President informed the floor that many infrastructure projects have to be undertaken for the betterment of the School for which funds / donations would be required. He expressed his desire to apply for 80G exemption. It was decided to speak with the CA of SJC OBA and seek his advice on the same.
- Pankaj thanked Mr. Saeed Shervani for hosting this meeting and his hospitality extended. The meeting was concluded.
- Next date and venue of the meeting shall be informed later.
Election Results [ Dated: Feb/28/2019 ]
Election Results
Dear OB's,
Greetings !!!
Part A
The Election Schedule was :
Starting Date for Nominations was from 7th Feb to 10th Feb'19.
This was further extended to 12th Feb'19.
In the stipulated time there was just one Nomination for the Post of President by Mr Roopesh Sharma of 1988 Batch. His papers were in order and since there was no other contestant I declare him the President for 2019 - 2020 period.
Also as there were no other participants there was NO e-voting or Ballot voting.
Part B
Now as per the guidelines laid down in the Sem OBA Memorandum it states that the Members present during the AGM can elect the other Members by show of hands. This procedure was followed and the following were thus elected :
Vice-President : Mr Anand Tewari was the unanimous choice but he declined to accept
Secretary : Mr Pankaj Sachdeva
Treasurer : Mr Sanjay Goel
G C Member : Mr Saurabh Sharma
G C Member : Mr Swapnil Saraf
G C Member : Mr Gagandeep Chaddha
The above are thus declared elected to the New Council.
Harsh S Chauhan - ISC 1975
8383940468 / 9968312861
AGM February 23, 2019 [ Dated: Feb/22/2019 ]
AGM February 23, 2019
Dear All
Please note, that the next AGM of the SJC OBA scheduled for February 23, 2019 will be held at 4 pm at:
Hotel Golf View Stays (Basement)
A-4, Suncity
Opp. ICICI Bank
Golf Course Road
Sector 54
GPS Co-ordinates are:
28*26'03.6" N
77*06'25.6" E
I would appreciate a line of confirmation from all who are likely to attend, so necessary arrangements can be made accordingly.
Best Regards
Pankaj Sachdeva
Secretary - OBA
As we have announced, the OBA is hosting a Fellowship dinner on Saturday, 22 July 2017 at 7.30 pm onwards at Kotah House, ShahJahan Road, New Delhi 11001. We have booked both the Gold and Silver Rooms and have put together an eclectic menu which will be catered by Kwality Caterers. We are hoping that we shall see good numbers. The dinner is open to all old boys, irrespective of OBA membership. Spouses are more than welcome.
The charges for the dinner are Rs 2300/- per couple and Rs 1200/- per individual. These can be paid at the counter at Kotah House, though we would prefer that the charges be remitted online. The details for online remittance are given below:
BANK | HDFC BANK LTD, Charmwood Village, Faridabad-121009 |
NAME OF ACCOUNT: | St.Joseph's College Old Boys' Association |
BANK ACCOUNT NO.: | 03962000003644 |
IFSC No: | HDFC0000396 |
Please send a mail to treasurer@semoba.in once you have remitted the money online, so that it can be accounted for.
We are grateful to Cdre Amit Bhandari for making the bookings for us at Kotah House.
We look forward to seeing all of you on the 22nd.
Best Regards
Gurpreet Bindra & All members of the Governing Council
SEM OBA DINNER [ Dated: Apr/01/2017 ]
Dear All,
This is further to our mail of last week. We are pleased to confirm that the OBA will be organising cocktails and dinner on Saturday, 15 April 2017 at Vasant Vihar Club. The catering will be done by CLUB ONE, the outdoor catering arm of Kwality Restaurant. We have an elaborate menu and it promises to be an evening to remember. The complete details are given below.
TIME: | 7:30 PM - 11:00 PM |
VENUE: | Lawns of Vasant Vihar Club, 87 Paschimi Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi-110057 |
COST: | Rs 1,200/- per head (or Rs 2,400/- per couple) The above cost is all inclusive of Cocktails, Snacks, Dinner |
DRESS CODE: | Informal (requested --- smart casual) |
The dinner is open to all members of the OBA, as well as non-members. Our only consideration is that they should have studied in Sem. This is a family event, so all wives are more than welcome.
The charges for the event can be paid online as per details given below. The charges can also be paid at the venue on the day of the dinner. We request that even if we plan to pay at the venue, please do inform us. We will need a reasonably accurate number of guests so that the caterer can be informed. We would like that everyone is well looked after, and at the same time, we do not end up paying for extra plates.
BANK | HDFC BANK LTD, Charmwood Village, Faridabad-121009 |
NAME OF ACCOUNT: | St.Joseph's College Old Boys' Association |
BANK ACCOUNT NO.: | 03962000003644 |
IFSC No: | HDFC0000396 |
In case, of online transfer, please inform us by e-mail at treasurer@semoba.in. please also inform him if you plan to attend and pay at the venue.
We are having dinner after a long gap of over three years, so we are expecting everyone to put in the effort and join us.We look forward to having everyone with us.
Best Wishes,
Gurpreet Bindra & all members of the GC,
New Governing Council 2016-18 [ Dated: Nov/13/2016 ]
![]() GOVERNING COUNCIL 2016-18St. Joseph's College Old Boys' Association |
PRESIDENT | Gurpreet S Bindra | 1965 / ISC | president@semoba.in |
VICE PRESIDENT | --- | --- | --- |
SECRETARY | Pankaj Sachdeva | 1980 / ICSE | secretary@semoba.in |
TREASURER | Neerav Mallick | 1982 / ICSE | treasurer@semoba.in |
MEMBER | Aamir Humayun | 1986 / ICSE | aamir@semoba.in |
MEMBER | Roopesh Sharma | 1987 / ICSE | roopesh@semoba.in |
MEMBER | Noman Siddiqui | 2005 / ICSE | noman@semoba.in |
During the eVoting process (Nov 6 - Nov 10, 2016) 361 members have voted.
Click Here to view the list of members who voted including the email used for voting.
Arun Kumar Singh
Election Commissioner
VENUE: | National Sports Club of India, (Opp. Pragati Maidan), New Delhi |
Dear Members,
Your association is holding a dinner after the Annual General Meeting. You are encouraged to bring your wives for the dinner and make it a colourful evening.
The dinner charges are contributory in nature and will be collected from the members. The Association shall pay for the other facilities necessary for holding of the AGM such as hall charges, mike, decoration charges etc.
The charges for dinner are Rs.1,000/- per person. The dinner includes a Non Vegetarian menu along with drinks.
Members are requested to make online payments for the dinner contribution. (This will help us in receiving confirmations for the dinner also). The online banking details are as follows:
BANK ACCOUNT NO.: | 03962000003644 |
IFSC CODE: | HDFC0000396 |
NAME OF ACCOUNT: | St.Joseph's College Old Boys' Association |
After making online payment of the dinner contribution - send us an e mail giving your deposit details and names of the persons for whom the contribution has been paid .Kindly e mail it to the following persons: vicepresident@semoba.in and treasurer@semoba.in.
Those wanting to pay cash are requested to pay in the currently legal tender of Rs.100/- Rs.500/-(new), Rs.2000/-(new).
1. Activity-wise AGM Day
2. Annual Report 2016
NOMINATION RESULTS 2016 [ Dated: Nov/01/2016 ]
![]() NOMINATION RESULTSt. Joseph's College Old Boys' Association |
PRESIDENT | Anand Tewari anand.tewari@hotmail.co.uk 1990 / ICSE |
Atul Jain Batch: 1984 |
Gaurav Jaggi Batch: 1984 |
PRESIDENT | Gurpreet S Bindra gsbindra@gmail.com 1965 / ISC |
Vijai Lal Batch: 1952 |
Arun Sahay Batch: 1963 |
VICE PRESIDENT | Rajesh Shah himalayanwanderer@gmail.com 1968 / ISC |
Dinesh Joshi Batch: 1968 |
Ranvir Singh Batch: 1968 |
SECRETARY | Pankaj Sachdeva sachdeva@batteries.co.in 1980 / ICSE |
Brig. S. K. Sapru Batch: 1965 |
Mr. Ranvir Singh Batch: 1968 |
SECRETARY | Rajeev Mehrotra rajeevmehrotra1111@gmail.com 1986 / ICSE |
Ghanshyam Shadiza Batch: 1979 |
Sanjeev Mehrotra Batch: 1984 |
TREASURER | Manas Pant manaspant1@gmail.com 1985 / ICSE |
Dr. Rahul Vohra Batch: 1983 |
Dr. Shomik Guha Batch: 1992 |
TREASURER | Neerav Mallick neeravmallick@hotmail.com 1982 / ICSE |
Col BS Sirohi Batch: 1965 |
Ashok Bisht Batch: 1968 |
MEMBER | Aamir Humayun aamir.humayun@gmail.com 1986 / ICSE |
Deepak Basera Batch: 1966 |
Apoorva Shah Batch: 1993 |
MEMBER | Gagandeep Chadha gagancollections@gmail.com 2001 / ICSE |
Anand Tiwari Batch: 1990 |
Pravneet Singh Bhasin Batch: 2011 |
MEMBER | Himanshu Bakuni himanshu_bhakuni@yahoo.com 2001 / ICSE |
Anand Tiwari Batch: 1990 |
Atul Jain Batch: 1985 |
MEMBER | Manik Tandon tandonmanik@gmail.com 2007 / ICSE |
Anand Tiwari Batch: 1990 |
Atul Jain Batch: 1984 |
MEMBER | Noman Siddiqui noman8732002@yahoo.co.in 2005 / ICSE |
Adeeb Ali Batch: 2005 |
Ankit Singh Batch: 2005 |
MEMBER | Roopesh Sharma advocateroopesh@yahoo.com 1987 / ICSE |
Kaushlender Singh Bangari Batch: 1978 |
Piyush Gupta Batch: 1987 |
Minutes of the Meeting of SJC OBA on 14-12-2015 [ Dated: Nov/01/2016 ]
- MR. KAMAL SAHDEV - President
- MR. SANJAY GOEL - Vice President
- MR. UPENDER TANEJA - Treasurer
- MR. SUNIL SAHAI - Nominated Member
- Mr. Kamal Sahdev called the meeting to order and welcomed all members.
- Minutes of the meeting held on 2.10.2015 were presented, after some discussions the minutes were unanimously adopted.
- The handing over of the treasury function from Mr. Pradeep Yadav to Upender Taneja was done on 2-10-2015. The cash was handed over, cheque books and the accounting records. The FD receipts were pending.
- The Audited Balance sheet of the Association duly signed from the auditor was received on 10-12-2015. The audit report was also received on the same date and was presented before the GC.
- The changes in bank account signatories was sought to be taken up. The old signatories were sought to be changed and the new ones brought up. It was decided to place the president, vice president and the treasurer as the authorized signatories to the bank account, since the main account was to be maintained and the 125th account to be closed. No fresh changes in the same were proposed.
The following was the resolution adopted to be placed before the bank (HDFC) for the necessary documentary requirements.
Resolved that upon being elected to the posts of the office bearers of the Association the following shall be and are here by the authorised signatories for the operation of the bank account with the HDFC Bank A/c No.03962000003644.
S. No. Office Bearer Name 1 President KAMAL SAHDEV 2 Treasurer UPENDER TANEJA 3 Vice President SANJAY GOEL
Resolved further that the HDFC Bank be and is hereby authorized to honour all cheques, drafts, Bills of exchange, and promissory notes any other order drawn, made accepted endorsed or lodged for collection on behalf of the Association by the above mentioned authorized signatories.
Mode of operation: the operation shall be done by any two of the three signatories till their tenure.
And a true copy of the aforesaid resolution, duly certified to be true by the Treasurer be given to the aforesaid bank with a request to act there upon.
(treasurer) - The date of the next GC meeting shall be informed to the members in due course and the chair after thanking the members present called the meeting to a close.
Piyush Joshi
Secretary - SJC OBA
Minutes of the Meeting of SJC OBA on 02-10-2015 [ Dated: Nov/01/2016 ]
- MR. KAMAL SAHDEV - President
- MR. SANJAY GOEL - Vice President
- MR. UPENDER TANEJA - Treasurer
- MR. SUNIL SAHAI - Nominated Member
- Mr. Kamal Sahdev called the meeting to order and welcomed all members.
- Minutes of the last meeting were presented, after some discussions the minutes were unanimously adopted.
- The members present noted with concern the loss of lives and property for the Nepal victims due to the earthquake. The loss of lives of some relatives of the members/ Semians was noted with grief. As per information received from Mr. Ranvir Singh, Mr. Sishir Rana's (1973) wife passed away on account of the natural calamity. The GC held a moments of silence on account of the tragedy for the departed ones.
- It was decided to do whatever was possible for bringing relief to those affected by the tragedy. Mr. Kamal Sahdev decided to post the following on the Facebook for seeking contributions:
We all are aware of the devastating earthquake that struck Nepal recently and left a trail of destruction and life time of misery for the People of Nepal. A large number of Semians are from Nepal. To help in the rehabilitation, the SEMOBA has decided to create a corpus fund by donating Rs One Lac towards the fund and also collect funds from the Sem Fraternity. I APPEAL to each one of you to donate liberally towards this noble cause and send in your donations to : ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION , HDFC Bank current account no. 03962000003644, IFSC code : HDFC0000396. Those desirous of sending cheques /drafts, may mail them to Sanjay Goel, 1832-Sector 17, Gurgaon-122001. Thanks.
- Collections were received from Mr. Samul Jacobs of Rs. 50,000/-. The office bearers also decided to contribute to the funds. Mr. Kamal Sahdev contributed Rs. 51,000/-. Other office bearers, such as Piyush Joshi, and others contributed Rs. 5000/- each and the total collections was Rs. 1,26,000/-.
- The final accounts for the year ended 31-3-2015 were also presented for adoption. After some discussions the same were adopted and then the same were sought to be sent to the auditor for his audit purposes.
- The next date and venue of the GC meeting shall be informed later and the Chairman, after thanking the members present called the meeting to a close.
Piyush Joshi
Secretary - SJC OBA
Minutes of the Meeting of SJC OBA on 10-07-2016 [ Dated: Oct/27/2016 ]
- MR. KAMAL SAHDEV - President
- MR. SANJAY GOEL - Vice President
- MR. UPENDER TANEJA - Treasurer
- MR. SUNIL SAHAI - Nominated Member
- Mr. Kamal Sahdev called the meeting to order and welcomed all members.
- Minutes of the meeting held on 14.12.2015 were presented, after some discussions the minutes were unanimously adopted.
- The final balance sheet for the year ended 31-3-2016 was placed before the GC and discussed. Some changes and comments were received from Mr. Sanjay Goel, the same were duly incorporated and the final sheet subject to changes was adopted and to be sent to the auditors for his audit purposes.
- The decisions to write off the balances due towards Mr. Harish Tiwari for the marathon expense was taken as he had still not submitted proof for the spending. The resulting credit would be treated as income in the hands of the Association and the same was duly considered as acceptable.
- The 125th year bank account was considered for closure as its special purpose had been met and no other payments or receipts were pending. As decided in the last meeting of 14.12.2015, for some unavoidable reasons the bank signatories could not be added/changed. Now that the tenure of the current governing Council is coming to an end, it has been decided that the bank signatories need not be changed and is hereby resolved that Mr. Sunil Sahai & Sanjay Goel, the current signatories in the current account #03962000003644 with HDFC Bank Ltd., Charmwood village Branch, Faridabad, are authorized to continue as the signatories, till such time the elections for the new Governing Council take place and a new elected body resumes charge.
- The other aspect of placing names of members in the balance sheet was considered and it was decided to not put the respective names. So the pending dues of Amit Bhandari and G S Bindra towards the sale of souvenirs were placed under "dues from members" and from "Class of 1965" respectively.
- The income tax return of the Association for the assessment year 205-16 was pending for some details from the office bearers and some other information. The Treasurer was to seek the same and file the return in a few days' time.
- The next date of the GC meeting was decided as 25-9-2016 and the chair after thanking the members present called the meeting to a close.
Piyush Joshi
Secretary - SJC OBA
Important update for Nomination Process [ Dated: Oct/27/2016 ]
Suggestion by Election Commissioner
Due to some valid reason if a member would like to re-submit his nomination, he may make request for the same over e-mail while mentioning the reason for re-submission of Nomination. On valid grounds, member may be made eligible to re-submit his nomination.
Note: last date for submission or re-submission of Nomination is Oct 28, 2016 23:59:59 IST
Email communication shall be sent to election.commissioner@semoba.in and admin@semoba.in
Important notification for Election Process [ Dated: Oct/22/2016 ]
Revised dates for Election Process
Due to some technical issues, the dates for Election Process have been revised and are as below.
01-10-2016 | Election commissioner/s notification of the election process and rules |
21-10-2016 | Last date for becoming new member of the association for being eligible to cast vote in this election. |
25-10-2016 | Nominations open for the posts of the office bearers of the executive committee |
28-10-2016 | Nominations closes. |
30-10-2016 | Last date of withdrawal of Nomination. |
01-11-2016 | Final list of eligible candidates announced by the election commissioner. |
06-11-2016 | Online voting starts |
10-11-2016 | Online voting ends |
12-11-2016 | Election commissioner announces his result at the AGM |
Minutes of the Meeting of Governing Council held on Sunday 25 Sep 2016 at 5.00 P.M. [ Dated: Oct/01/2016 ]
- KAMAL SAHDEV - President
- SANJAY GOEL - Vice President
- UPENDER TANEJA - Treasurer
- SUNIL SAHAI - Nominated Member
Leave of Absence sought:
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 10-7-2016 were read and confirmed.
The meeting considered the following agenda items:
Holding of AGM
The treasurer informed the members that the auditor has signed the accounts as adopted in the earlier meeting and the same are now available for circulation.
The matter of the notice was discussed and it was brought to the attention of the office bearers that the present auditor Mr. Deepak Gupta has expressed his unwillingness to continue as the auditor for the next term. He has changed his partnership firm and is now working with a different firm.
It was decided that the new team elected for the next term shall appoint the next auditor as the term of the present auditor shall end at the end of the AGM.
The matter of the AGM was discussed and the dates were finalized. It was decided to hold the AGM on 12-11-2016 (Saturday) at 6 PM at the National Sports Club of India premises.
The Notice was to be finalized and sent to the members by email by around the 1st of October 2016.
Mr. Arun Kumar Singh (member-1970 batch) was appointed as the election observer. Although he was absent in the meeting, his telephonic consent was obtained.
The process of holding of the elections was discussed and finalized. The respective dates and events were as follows:
1-10-2016 | Election commissioner/s notification of the election process and rules |
21-10-2016 | Last date for becoming new member of the association for being eligible to cast vote in this election. |
22-10-2016 | Nominations open for the posts of the office bearers of the executive committee |
27-10-2016 | Nominations closes. |
28-10-2016 | Last date of withdrawal of Nomination. |
29-10-2016 | Final list of eligible candidates announced by the election commissioner. |
05-11-2016 | Online voting starts |
10-11-2016 | Online voting ends |
12-11-2016 | Election commissioner announces his result at the AGM |
The elections were sought to be held by computerized e-voting only and the services of the previous consultant were to be sought for present elections. Rs. 43,750/- (Forty Three Thousands Seven Hundred Fifty Only) has been fixed and approved by the board for the same.
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
Vice President
Sanjay Goel
Dinner Message [ Dated: Oct/01/2016 ]
The Members,
SEM Old Boys' Association
You would be in receipt of the notice for the Annual General Meeting proposed to be held on 12th Nov 2016. The venue for the AGM is the National Sports Club of India, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
The meeting is to be followed by drinks and dinner at the same premises.
The dinner is contributory. Members are requested to attend with spouses.
The charges for the contributory dinner shall be announced shortly.
For & on behalf of the Exec. Comm.
Notice for AGM 2016 [ Dated: Oct/01/2016 ]
The Annual General Meeting of the ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OLD BOYS' ASSOCIATION for the year 2016 shall be held on the 12th of November 2016.
The formal notice for the AGM, the audited income and expenditure account for year ended 31st March, 2016 and the Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2016 along with the Auditor's report have been uploaded to website.
Click Here to view Audit Report and Balance Sheet
The venue and time of the AGM is mentioned in the formal notice. Members are earnestly urged to attend the AGM and your participation in the same will be highly appreciated.
Click Here to view formal notice
The OBA is also holding the elections to the posts of the governing council for the term 2016-18. A separate notification regarding the elections shall be published.
Important Notification for SJC OBA AGM and Elections 2016 [ Dated: Oct/01/2016 ]
The present managing committee has completed its term for the period 2014-2016. On 12th November 2016 we propose to hold the AGM of SJC OBA and also Elections for the next term (2016-18) of the incoming managing committee.
- Mr. Arun Kumar Singh (1970) has been appointed Election Commissioner (EC) for Elections 2016.
- EC invites nominations to the post of office bearers of the Association for the term 2016-18. The posts are: President, Vice president, Secretary, Treasurer, and Members (three). Semians who are members can apply for the posts.
- Last date for becoming new member of the association is mid night of 21st October 2016 to be eligible for voting in this election.
- Link to the Nomination form shall be available on your respective email ID on 22nd October 2016 and shall remain open till mid night of 27th October 2016. Last date of withdrawal of nomination shall be 28th October 2016.
- The nomination forms need to be proposed and seconded by members. (A list of the members as of date is attached for reference).Semians who are not members but wish to stand for a post need to become members and pay the registration fee as per details given on our website.
- Last date of acceptance of nomination forms is 27th October 2016 midnight. The nominations forms will be scrutinized for their validation and the valid list of contestants shall be announced on 29th October 2016.
- Contestants may then canvass for their candidature from 29th October 2016 onwards.
- Members will then be allowed to vote over the internet on the e-voting section on our website from 6th November 2016 till mid night of 10th November 2016. The physical casting of ballot papers for the remaining members shall be held on 12th November 2016 from 6.30 p.m. till 7.30 p.m. at the venue of the AGM.
Appointment of Election Commissioner [ Dated: Oct/01/2016 ]
This is to inform all members of SEM OBA that Mr. Arun Kumar Singh (1970) has taken the charge of Election Commissioner.
For any queries, you may write to him at election.commissioner@semoba.in
Members' List [ Dated: Oct/01/2016 ]
Click Here to download the latest Member List of SEM OBA
Minutes of the Meeting of SJC OBA on 20.12.2014 at 3.00 P.M. [ Dated: Dec/30/2014 ]
- Mr. Kamal Sahdev- President
- Mr. Sanjay Goel- Vice President
- Mr. Piyush Joshi- Secretary
- Mr. Upender Taneja- Treasurer
- Mr. Vikram Singh- Member
- Mr. Ashish Gupta- Member
- Mr. Arun Kumar Singh- Nominated Member
- Mr. Anant Chandola - Nominated Member
- Mr. Gurpreet Bindra- Past President
- Mr. Ranvir Singh- Immediate Past president
- Col. Rana Roy- Past President
- Mr. Arun Sahay- Past President
- Mr. Swapnil Saraf - Member
- Mr. Sunil Sahai- Nominated Member
- Welcome Note by the President.
- Confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting.
- President's report.
- Induction of the School Principal to SJC OBA as Permanent Honorary Member.
- Discussions on proposed amendment in the Bye Laws of the Association.
- Discussions on Chapter Formation.
- Treasurer's report on accounts and 80 G.
- Members' data base and proposal to start a Google group only for SJC OBA members.
- Proposed amendments in the website.
- Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
- Mr. Kamal Sahdev called the meeting to order and welcomed all to the meeting. At the outset, two minute silence was observed in memory of Bro. J.P. Murray, who died on 16th December 2014. Mr. Kamal informed that Mr. Gurpreet Bindra, Mr. Piyush Joshi and he attended the funeral mass of Bro. Murray.
- Minutes of the meeting held at Shervani Hotel, Sundar Nagar, New Delhi on 15.11.2014 were presented. Since they were incomplete, the said minutes could not be adopted and deferred till the next meeting.
- The President discussed possible areas where OBA could help the school. The following points were discussed:
- Scholarship to needy and worthy children/ students (how much money is required and what should be the criteria) however after detailed discussion it was decided that the Principal be requested to provide details as how to implement such a proposal.
- The President informed that ( he suggested to the Principal), in order to increase more class rooms, the present auditorium( could be converted) into class rooms. President, has proposed to the School Principal to construct a new auditorium on the 6th field, which is not being used as of now. He offered all assistance from OBA. Further details are to be discussed with the School Principal.
- Mr. G.S.Bindra, informed the floor that the School filtration plant is on the verge of total collapse and needs replacement / repairs on priority, before the School re-opens. He also informed that the said filtration plant is almost 60 years old. The President assured the floor that this would be taken up for discussions with the School Principal in his next meeting with him.
- Mr. G.S.Bindra conveyed the desire of the family and friends of late Mr. K.D.Singh, who expired earlier this year, more popularly known as KD, to renovate and sponsor a new library at the School. This shall also be taken up by the President, for discussions with the School Principal in his next meeting with him.
- Mr. Sanjay Goel, informed the floor of the recent surgery of Mrs. Medley. He desired to know, if monetary assistance be offered to her. Mr. Kamal, requested Mr. Bindra to speak with her son, Mark (also an OB), since no formal request had been received by the OBA.
During the course of discussions on felicitation of Teachers, it was decided that a comprehensive list of all Teachers who served the School along with the present ones, be sought from the School first, so as to decide the priority list. Mr. G.S. Bindra offered to have the same procured in due course. An annual budget be allocated for this purpose.
- It was unanimously adopted that the School Principal be inducted as a permanent honorary member of SJC OBA, with immediate effect. A request be sent to School Principal, to kindly accept our proposal.
- Mr. Upender Taneja, appraised the floor on a few amendments to be carried out in the existing Bye-Laws of the Association. Mr. Arun Kumar Singh also suggested a few changes. It was decided that the core committee should meet again in due course and finalize the amendments so that they could be put up for adoption at the extra ordinary general body meeting, which would be required to be called for the same.
- Chapter formation can only be formalized after the proposed amendments have been approved and incorporated.
- Mr. Upender Taneja, informed the floor that since SJC OBA had received some unknown donations in the FY 2013-14, detailed list of all donors could not be compiled. As such the 80 G application is pending. Mr. Arun Kumar Singh, suggested that SJC OBA make efforts to get the details within the next 30 days and in case we do not get the details, pay the applicable income tax on such donations and to proceed with the 80 G completion. The same was unanimously adopted.
- It was decided that an exhaustive data base of all OB's be compiled, with details of the present occupation, year of passing out from School, present address, email ID etc. Mr. Ranvir, Mr. Sanjay Goel and Mr. Swapnil Saraf to get the same completed. All members of SEMOBA be requested to update their details)
- Mr. Swapnil has conveyed to the floor (through his email) that necessary changes in the website have been carried out. A dedicated Governing council email ID has been created (gc@semoba.in). Also a webmail account has also been created and all official communication to OBA members should be sent out from this mail ID only. User ID and password access has been made very simple. He is also getting the micro blogging link created on the website. The floor applauded his efforts on the same.
- It was decided that the present website be used for promotional activity by OBA members, for their respective professions, like job placement, career counseling, hotel accommodation, etc.
- As a tool to enhance net working and bonding amongst the OB's Mr. Sanjay Goel offered a discount of 25% on his rack rate to all visiting OB's with / without their families, at his Hotel at Gurgaon. President appealed to all OB's to come forward on this and offer any discounts /their services to all SemOBA members. He requested Swapnil to have a page dedicated on the official website of SJC OBA.
- It was decided that batch of OB's would be the year of passing out from School and not the year of study in School, e.g. if someone studied in the year 1985 and appeared for examinations in 1986, his batch would be 1986.
- Mr. Anant Chandola suggested that a group insurance be taken for OB's and staff of the school. He would present the details in the next meeting.
- It was decided that the Governing Council meeting will be held on every second Saturday of every third month. In case there is any urgent topic which needs to be decided then the decision can be taken by the core committee and be ratified in the next GC meeting.
- The President also suggested to the Principal that in order to improve the quality of imparting better education to the students, a Teacher training program be initiated with the help of an external agency, to teach the teachers on modern system of education. A detailed report shall be prepared after the approval of the Principal.
- As there was no other matter to be discussed, Mr. Piyush proposed a vote of thanks to all and also to Mr. Kamal Sachdeva for offering his venue with complimentary snacks.
Next meeting shall be held on 14th March 2015, at the same venue at 3.00 p.m.
Piyush Joshi
Secretary - SJC OBA.
Dated: 26.12.2014
Minutes of the Meeting of SJC OBA on 14.11.2014 at 5.00 P.M. [ Dated: Dec/30/2014 ]
- Mr. Kamal Sahdev- President
- Mr. Sanjay Goel- Vice President
- Mr. Piyush Joshi- Secretary
- Mr. Upender Taneja- Treasurer
- Mr. Swapnil Saraf- Member
- Mr. Vikram Singh- Member
- Mr. Ashish Gupta- Member
- Mr. Gurpreet Bindra- Past President
- Mr. Ranvir Singh- Immediate Past president
- Welcome Note by President.
- Confirmation of Minutes of the previous meeting.
- Update by President on his meeting with the School Principal.
- Discuss methods to improve the standard of the School.
- Appointment of Nominated Members.
- Improvement in the existing website of SJC OBA.
- Discussions on proposed amendments in the Bye-Laws of the Association, so as to facilitate the Chapter formation in other cities, etc.
- Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
- Vote of Thanks.
- Mr. Kamal Sahdev called the meeting to order and welcomed all members.
- Minutes of the meeting held at Magmalaya on 24.8.2014 were presented by Mr. Sanjay Goel- Vice President, as Mr. Piyush- secretary was absent for the said meeting. After some discussions the minutes were unanimously adopted.
- Mr. Kamal Sahdev informed the floor, that he had visited the School and had met the Principal and Bro. Walter Vas - Brother Superior along with Mr Nirmal Nain ( 1970 ) and Mr Rakesh Sah (1970), members residing in Nainital, including Mr. Ved Shah, who is also representing the Ex-students Trust. Mr. Kamal Sahdev, informed that the meeting with the Principal was more than friendly, cordial and constructive. He has requested the Principal to let the SJC OBA know as to how he would like the SJC OBA to help the school in improving the standards of the school, including the infrastructure. The Principal assured Mr. Kamal Sahdev, that he would be free from School activities by December first week and would then discuss the requirement and modalities in detail.
- Mr. Kamal Sahdev sought the views of the members present, on way and means to improve the standard of the School, including the teaching standards. Some discussions were done in this regard, which the President would discuss with the Principal in his subsequent meeting.
- Mr. Sanjay Goel informed that Mr. Sunil Sahai and Mr. Anant Chandola have willingly accepted to be part of the SJC OBA Governing Council team for the period 2014-16. Mr. Kamal Sahdev proposed the name of Mr. Arun Kumar Singh-1970, which was unanimously accepted. It was decided that all three nominated members be invited from the next meeting onwards.
- Mr. Kamal Sahdev proposed some changes in the existing website of OBA, so as to make it more interactive. After some discussions on the subject, Mr. Swapnil Saraf and Mr. Sanjay Goel were given the responsibility of incorporating the proposed changes in co-ordination with the service provider, Mr. Abhishek Agarwal.
- In order to start the process of initiating Chapters of SJC OBA, in other cities, Mr. Upender Taneja, informed that certain changes would be required to be made, in the existing Bye-Laws. He also informed that the said amendments in the Bye-Laws would have to be passed in an extra ordinary general body meeting and that it is a very lengthy and a complicated procedure. Thus, he proposed that the Bye laws be re-studied carefully so as to make all amendments, as may be required / necessary and be passed in the proposed extra ordinary general body meeting.
Mr. Kamal proposed a subcommittee to discuss the amendments in the Bye Laws and also to discuss modalities for Chapter formation. He proposed the names of Mr. Arun Kumar Singh, Mr. Sanjay Goel, Mr. Upender Taneja and Mr. Sunil Sahai.
- Any other Matter:
- The financial aid of Rs.25000/- to an old Boy of SJC, Mr. P.C. Rautela, was ratified.
- It was decided and resolved that the Mr. Kamal Sahdev - President, Mr. Piyush Joshi- Secretary and Mr. Upender Taneja-Treasurer shall be the new joint signatories in the HDFC Bank current account, at Charmwood Bazar Branch, of St. Joseph’s College Old Boys’ Association and any two out of the three can operate the said account.
- It was also decided that HDFC Bank current account at Charmwood Bazar Branch, by the name St. Joseph’s College, Old Boy’s Association-125 Years Celebrations, be closed henceforth as it was opened for a specific cause and purpose. The existing signatories are authorized to do the needful. The balance in the said account be transferred to HDFC Bank current account, at Charmwood Bazar Branch, of St. Joseph’s College Old Boys’ Association.
- Mr. Kamal Sahdev proposed a get-together of the Old Boys of SJC on the 14th December 2014 at his place in Sainik Farm. It was unanimously adopted. It was decided that the School dignitaries be also invited from Nainital and New Delhi.
- As adopted earlier during the tenure of the Presidency of Mr. Ranvir Singh, that every year two senior retired teachers would be honored by SJC OBA, it was decided to honor our Ex-Gym teacher, Mr. Gomes, who is presently in Lucknow. It was also decided to honor him with a cheque of Rs.51000/-, as has been followed for the teachers already honored in the previous years.
- It was unanimously adopted that all past Presidents would be invited to all Governing Council meetings of SJC OBA, so seek their valuable inputs.
- Mr. Upender Taneja, updated the floor on the status of our application of 80-G.
- As there was no other matter to be discussed, Mr. Piyush proposed a special vote of thanks to Mr. Saeed Shervani for offering his venue and complimentary snacks for the OBA meeting.
Mr. Kamal Sahdev called the meeting to close.
Piyush Joshi
Secretary - SJC OBA.
Dated: 24.12.2014
Message from the President [ Dated: Dec/07/2014 ]
Dear Members,A lot of discussions are happening on another forum called the Sem yahoo group and going by the gist of most of them they seem to suggest that the Sem OBA is not working at all. I have been elected as President of the Sem OBA and I feel I am answerable to my association members only. No query from anybody has been sent to me or the Sem OBA directly. Some Ex boys are going wild and casting all kinds of aspersions and making innuendos on a forum where a large number of participants are not even members o f the associations.I have been out of touch with school and the activities of the Sem OBA since a long time. A group of us had got together in 1988 and had organized a very successful Sem centenary in 1988 , without any controversy. There seems to be a lot of uncalled for criticism towards the previous Governing Council. Friends believe me, its not an easy task, selflessly organizing such a mammoth event. Personally I would appreciate that due credit be given to Ranvir Singh and his team for carrying such stupendous task.So on being elected as President of The Sem OBA , I have been and am understanding the current situation viz-a-viz the Sem Trust, The Sem OBA and The School. A lot of work needs to be done to clear a lot of mess. The Principle Trustee of the Sem Trust feels that he "WON". I cannot fathom what is it that he "WON". I thought that the principle objective of the Sem Trust and The Sem OBA was to work for the betterment of OUR SCHOOL, that we all are so proud of.Some of the initiatives that are being taken currently:Firstly the operations of the Sem OBA web is being revamped and made more user friendly and much more informative.The constitution has lots of glitches and is being totally revamped considering a lot of regions want to form their own association in sync with the SEM OBA. More work is required to make your association more interactive and transparent.The differences created between two different associations, working for the same cause, have to be removed.The finances have to be managed to facilitate easy functioning of the associations.You will all appreciate that the Sem OBA cannot operate on its own. The Principal of the school has to be involved in everything that we want to do for the school.He has been the Principal of the school for over 10 years and knows best what we can do for the school. I have already met him 3 times and he has responded very warmly and favorably. You will also appreciate that he has a whole school to manage on day to day basis and is not always available to us. We have no right or jurisdiction to interfere in his work and question him on his way of running the school.I have to work under the existing rules and regulations of the SEM OBA and I just cannot take arbitrary decisions on my own. You have reposed your faith and trust by electing me as the president and also elected a Governing Council, to represent you in carrying out your aspirations for the SEM. Send us concrete suggestions to help us achieve our common aim of making Sem, the best school to study.Regards,Kamal SahdevPresidentSEM OBAMobile: +91-98100-38994
Election List [ Dated: Nov/16/2014 ]
Presidential Address at the AGM on 29th June 2014 [ Dated: Jul/03/2014 ]
It is my pleasure to welcome all of you to this Annual General Meeting of our OBA. I am heartened to see the turn out. One of the major events listed for today is the election of the new Governing Council. This election shall mark a generational change in the sense that the baton of the leadership will pass on from the sixties batches. These augers well for the organisation.During the past two years, the OBA has grown exponentially, as reflected in the sharply increased membership numbers. There were approximately 175 members in the OBA when my team took over. I am proud to say that with the efforts of my team, the OBA presently has 554 members. This membership base has now been spread out not only in India, but also abroad.This widespread no of members has led us to thinking on how to conduct these elections worldwide, so that everyone could get a chance to exercise their vote. I am very delighted to say that we have been able to put into place a system of e-voting in order and, I would wish to congratulate everyone who has worked tirelessly to achieve this seemingly impossible task. A special vote of thanks goes out to Mr Abhishek Agarwal, an IT Consultant, who was responsible for the customized software design and successful implementation of the e-voting programme. This Election has evoked tremendous excitement and involvement, which is a sign of a healthy, vibrant and democratic organisation.The highlight of the last year has been the 125 Anniversary Celebrations in the School in October 2013. I would like to mention a few of the related activities.THE OPEN MARATHON – Which has created an awareness of St. Joseph’s goodwill and its coming back to class XII in academics and placed high on the Sports Records.BLOOD DONATION CAMP – Which was held for the first time in SEM - brought in donors in good number? A Total Charity done in cooperation with the Dist Health Authorities.THE ROCK BAND - On the day of the fete – that was an initiation of the Ex-Semites alone and was runaway hit. That showed the talent of Semites.THE OBA MARCH PAST - Showed an attendance of 1400 ex-students that saturated the 1st field twice over.THE GRAND GALA DINNER - at Balrampur House which saw over 1200 participants was an unprecedented event in the history of Nainital.GRAND FELICITATION - of Retired and Serving teachers as well as other members of the staff including class IV employees.SOUVENIRS 125 – A massive variety of souvenirs were designed and made available at the celebrations. It is these beautiful Souvenirs that give us our identity and mutual bonding. Stocks of these souvenirs are also being made available at Dehradun, Nainital and Delhi for easy access to all.THE BEAUTIFUL BROCHURE SET – 125 was designed and presented to all the members of the OBA. Very many Advertisers, donors and designers of the Brochures also need a special mention because of whom the Event was made full of perpetual fond memories.During and after the celebrations a good rapport was set up with the school and 1200 sets of these anniversary brochures were presented to the Principal and the proceeds of which were donated to the SEM.In the last two years we have Felicitated Past Teachers and also helped out needy ex-students. It would be enough to say that we all deserve a pat on our backs for a job well done. For the 125th Celebrations there were several Old Boys, who were not on the Governing Council, but came forward and worked day and night to ensure our success. I will not get into individual names, as this list would go endlessly. I must however, stress this has shown what the OBA is capable of achieving when we stand together .I would like inform all that you with regard to Income-Tax Registration of the OBA the society has obtained the permanent registration with the IT- department u/s 12 A. This enables The Association to accumulate its surplus for its future projects and not pay tax on the surpluses. An application u/s 80 G has been put in which is under consideration with the department.During the 125 Year Celebrations we were all disappointed to see the state of the School. The number of students has grown tremendously and the facilities are bursting at the seams; the 300 student mark of the Sixty’s to the beyond 1200 students as of now! The OBA is fully aware of the situation and the need for up gradation and Modernization of the SEM infrastructure. We are in constant touch with the CCBI Admin and are waiting for sanction u/s 80G and then move on more decisively.The Articles and Bye-Laws of the SJCOBA provides for formation of chapters; and we have laid down the foundation for the chapters at Dehradun, Mumbai and Bangalore for which the modalities would be best worked out and finalized by the Incoming Gov. Council.At the time of my taking up this august office in 2012 we had a total Fixed Deposit of Rs. 2,08,000/- which has now gone up to a reasonable Rs. 28,31,844/-.Here, I would like to thank my Governing Council and each one of you the tremendous support you gave us - the organizers, without which we would not have been able to achieve what we have! I would also like to convey thanks to Br Placid, Provincial CCBI and Dr Peter Emanuel, Principal and the entire STAFF of SEM for their time, involvement and support.Our SPONSORS for the 125th Anniversary events need a Special mention! I would like to extend my thanks to –i. Mr Anant Chandola, 1977 batch, Director, United Colors of Benettonii. Mr Manish Chandra, 1978 batch, Country Head of Sahara Qiii. Mr Manpreet Chaddha, 1997 batch, CMD of Waves CinemaThe above mentioned and a whole lot of my Seniors, Past Presidents, Colleagues and My Governing Council who have worked relentlessly, and have helped me out in making my term successful and memorable. I would finally wish the President Elect and the Incoming Council the very best and assure them of all support always in taking the SJCOBA forward and having better cooperation with the Alma MaterCerta Bonum CertamenThank You.RANVIR SINGHPresident SJC OBA2012-2014
Manifesto [ Dated: Jun/22/2014 ]
Manifesto of both teams contesting for the posts of Governing Council (2014-16) has been uploaded.Mr. Kamal Sahdev & team - Click Here to view ManifestoMr. Roopesh Sharma & team - Click Here to view Manifesto
Share your Vote! [ Dated: Jun/20/2014 ]
Click Here to view the list of members contesting for the various posts of Governing Council for the term 2014-16.eVoting link will be activated on Jun 21, 2014. All eligible members will receive eVoting link on their registered email id along with the unique code.Do share your vote!
Election Officer [ Dated: Jun/18/2014 ]
This is to inform all members of SEM OBA that Mr. Pankaj Sachdeva (1980) has taken the charge of Election Officer.For any queries, you may write to him at election.officer@semoba.in
AGM & Election Postponement Notice [ Dated: Jun/06/2014 ]
Dear Member,This is in continuation of the election notification sent earlier regarding the elections to posts of the Governing Council for the term 2014-16.In view of the first time use of an e voting process over the internet, the related suggestions and concerns had to be re-looked into. To address these concerns we have postponed the date of AGM and thus also the dates related to the elections process.The simple three step process of elections is given below:1) Members desirous of standing for the posts of the Governing Council of the OBA for the term 2014-16 may submit their nominations. This process has been made online. (Further details are given online)Dates: 9th June – start date for submission of nominations, 19th June – last date for receipt of nominations2) The final list of candidates and the posts they are standing for is drawn up and declared by the returning officer. Candidates start seeking support and canvass for votes.Dates: 20th June – declaration of list of candidates and the posts they are standing for.3) Voting starts – eVoting commences on 21th June and ends on 27th June. Paper ballot voting will be held for those present at the AGM venue and have not cast their votes online.The elections by paper ballot will be held at “Magmalaya†1832, Sector 17A, Gurgaon at 10:30 AM on 29th June 2014. Paper ballot voting closes at 11.30. e-Voting and paper ballot results shall be compiled in the meanwhile. AGM proceedings shall be held from 12 noon to 2 PM. Upon conclusion of the AGM business the election officer shall announce the results and the new team shall take charge.Regards,Upender Taneja(Secretary-SEMOBA)
Notice for AGM 2014 [ Dated: May/26/2014 ]
Dear members,The Annual General Meeting of the ST. JOSEPHS COLLEGE OLD BOYS ASSOCIATION for the year 2014 shall be held on the 15th of June 2014.The formal notice for the AGM, the audited income and expenditure account for year ended 31st March, 2014 and the Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2014 along with the Auditor's report have been uploaded to website.The annual report shall soon follow.The venue and time of the AGM is mentioned in the formal notice. Members are earnestly urged to attend the AGM and your participation in the same will be highly appreciated.The OBA is also holding the elections to the posts of the governing council for the term 2014-16. A separate notification regarding the elections shall be sent tomorrow.
SALE OF SOUVENIRS [ Dated: Nov/13/2013 ]
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Dear all,This is to inform you that the following items are still available,and we are making arrangements to despatch by courier as well with additional charges.ITEMS PRICE(Rs) QUANTITYBenetton T's 800 5PoloT's 500 44Round NeckT's 350 3Brochures 650 409Caps 150 440Umbrella small 250 94Umbrella big 350 46Ties 250 200Air bags 1200 81Blazer button set 100 639Tea/coffee mugs 150 183Lapel pins 50 266Stickers 25 576Posters 75 594I-cards 25 319Lanyard 25 639T's(SEMITE) 450 1Please deposit the required amount in account of 'ST.JOSEPH'S COLLEGE OLD BOYS'ASSOCIATION-125TH YEAR CELEBRATIONS'ACCOUNT NUMBER 03967630000201 HDFC BANK Ltd. RTGS/NEFT/IFSC: HDFC 0000396.Please contact OBA Treasurer, Mr.Sanjay Goel for further clarifications--9810313201/0124-4015065.The above items can also be picked up at -'MAGMALAYA-1832,SECTOR 17/A,GURGAON-122001.We appeal to the benevolent,helpful people to come forward and order in bulk and then distribute at your initiative in other cities.CERTA BONUM CERTAMEN
Presidential Speech at Balrampur House [ Dated: Oct/10/2013 ]
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Bro Placid, Bro Fernandes, Principal Dr Emmanuel, Esteemed teachers, both past and present, Ladies, Gentlemen and my fellow Old Boys,It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to this historic day in the history of our Alma mater. SEM is now 125 years old ----- what an achievement, and how lucky we all are to be here to witness the event this evening in such a large number!I do realise that all of you want to savour the moment, renew links with old friends and share common bonds with new ones therefore, I promise to be very brief.Sem, as we all know was run by the Irish Christian Brothers with great dedication till very recently. Gradually, they have given way to Indian Educators. who are carrying the great good work forward. Sem has always been renowned for providing Quality Education to succeeding generations of students, who have further gone on excel in all walks of life, be it the Civil Services, Acedemics, Armed Forces, Business, Fine Arts etc. This is borne out by the very distinguished list of Alumni. I will not take any names, because if I should start, I would take up the entire evening. It is very vital that we ensure that this quality is taken forward to our newer generations.We all know that Sem is endowed with outstanding infrastructure, the likes of which would be found in very few residential schools. However, given the dynamic world that we live in, this infrastructure needs constant modernisation and up gradation. The OBA recognises this, and on behalf, of all Old Boys, wherever, they may be, I can assure the School Authorities of our whole hearted support in this endeavour. Once the dust has settled on these celebrations, The OBA Executive, would like to sit with the Principal and his support staff, and see how we can take this forward.The massive gathering of Old Boys that you see today, is a manifestation of the fact that each and every one is grateful for the education we have received and that we wish to be partners in shaping the future of the school. I am sure that Dr Emmanuel and his staff would be heartened to see this outpouring of feeling that Old Boys have for the school.The OBA has recognised two areas that need immediate attention.1. The Auditorium needs a modern acoustic system, and2. The Swimming pool needs to be covered and made all-weather.I am delighted to announce that the OBA has made a start in this direction. We have given to the school. 1200 copies of both the Centenary and the 125 year brochures. The school is free to utilise these in the manner they deem fit and the money so generated be used to fund the two projects that I have mentioned. The OBA also realises that the Gymnasium needs to be modernised. The OBA has before it a proposal from one of the leading fitness centres to install a State of the Art fitness centre. This is still in a very preliminary stage, but we do intend to pursue it.Today, we are honoured to Felicitate the Teaching staff, as well as a few of the Retired Teachers. They have shaped our careers and this is but a small token of gratitude. Tomorrow, in the school, we shall Felicitate the Support Staff. Their role in the school is no less --- they cook for us, feed us, keep the school clean, take care of our clothes, laundry and so on. I am sure that everyone gathered here will rise in giving them a loud round of applause.Over the past month, there has been an upsurge of feeling amongst the Old Boys that the school must raise a memorial to Major Rajesh Adhikari, who has made the Supreme Sacrifice for the country in the Kargil War, and was awarded the Maha Vir Chakra for his bravery. Similarly, if we scan the Centenary Brochure, there are photographs of Old Semites, who were killed in the First World War, we, the old boys, would implore the school to look at this with the seriousness that it deserves.The class of 1961 has set a welcome trend of coming up to school in 2011 to celebrate 50 years of graduation! Last year, the class of 1962 also came up to the school, and this year, the 1963 class has coincided their Event with these celebrations. I would encourage the class of 1988 and subsequent classes to celebrate their 25 year Celebration in a similar manner. We would also request the SEM to set aside one day every year in academic calendar as an "OLD BOYS DAY' coinciding with the Founder’s Day when Old Boys can visit the school, interact with the teachers and students, and have a small Celebration in school. This would go a long way in giving the old boys a sense of participation and recognition.Now there is a question that I am asked repeatedly........... What would the OBA do after this celebration? Let me assure each and every one here that the OBA would go from strength to strength. The OBA now enjoys the support of an overwhelming majority of the Old Boy family. We shall now establish chapters of the OBA in all places, wherever possible. We shall also strive to bring in to our fold, all those old boys, who are not members of the OBA, as yet. You have our sincerest assurance that the OBA will now be more vibrant and dynamic.I would be failing in my duty, if I did not applaud the one Old Boy, who has dedicated his life to the cause..........I refer to COL RANA ROY (1961). For as long as everyone can remember, he has braved all odds and brought out the SEM TATTLER. Let us all rise and applaud this great son of Sem.Finally, I wish to express our sincerest thanks to Bro Placid, Bro Superior Bro C.G. Fernandes, Principal Dr Peter Emmanuel and the entire staff of the school for their work in organising these celebrations. I also, wish to place on record the selfless work done by our Governing Council, the council given by our past Presidents, and numerous others who pitched in, when needed. The teams that did the Brochures and the Souvenirs! the Boys who have been helping out at the Local Level and those who organized the Marathon and the wonderful Musicians- all Semites. A Very Sincere thanks to all our contributors, advertisers and well-wishers, and, most importantly, our main sponsors.......Mr Manpreet Chadha ,WAVE GROUP, Mr Maneesh Chandra, SAHARA-Q and Mr Anant Chandola of the BENNETON! All Semites! Thanks are also due to BALRAMPUR HOUSE and SEAGRAMS for their generous support in making this evening possible. But for them, we would not have been able to stage the events. We are very grateful to them for being there for us, when we needed them.Thank –You Everybody!Till we meet,CERTA BONUM CERTAMEN.Ranvir SinghPresident SEMOBA
Letter by Br.Placid Henriques [ Dated: Oct/10/2013 ]
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Dear Mr. Ranvir Singh,Thanks for the e-mail.Congratulations on the success of the mega event of the 125 years of SEM.Yes, I think the celebrations went off well and the general feeling was that almost all who were present enjoyed the reconnecting and story telling of where they were on their journey. it was great to see such a huge turn out. I hope the spirit continues as we journey along and keep fighting the good fight.With every good wish.Placid HenriquesChristian Brothers Provincialate,St. Columba' s School,Ashok Place,New Delhi - 110 001.India
Membership registration form [ Dated: Sep/25/2013 ]
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Final Registration form attached. Please download it by clicking on the Download link below.Registration Form: Download
SEM 125th Anniversary Posters [ Dated: Sep/25/2013 ]
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Dear all,We are happy to inform you that we have excellent posters on the occasion of 125th years celebrations.The pricing is:Rs. 75/- For one posterRs. 200/- For Three PostersRs. 300/- For Five Posters.Posters has been added to the Picture Gallery. Do not forget to check them.Below are the thumbnails!
125th Celebrations [ Dated: Sep/22/2013 ]
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Dear Semites,Finally the stage is set for the 125th SEM Celebrations and the program is given below:
PROGRAMME OF 125 YEARS CELEBRATION OF SEM Date Event Venue Start Finish Details 2-Oct-13 MINI MARATHON DISTRICT SPORTS COMPLEX (FLATS), MALLITAL, NAINITAL 8.00 A.M. 11.00 A.M. 1. JUNIOR BOYS & GIRLS2. SENIOR BOYS & GIRLS3. RUN FOR FUN4. OPEN CATEGORY (MEN) 3-OCT-13 SCHOOL PREGRAMME FIRST FIELD, SEM, NAINITAL-FETE 11.00 A.M. 4.00P.M. SALE COUNTER OF OBA SOUVENIRS, BROCHURES, DINNER COUPONS & MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATIONS AT OBA STALL IN BRO. COMBER HALL UPTO 5THOCT. 2013 SCHOOL AUDITOTIUM- CONCERT 4.00 P.M. 7.00 P.M. BATCH DINNERS LOCAL HOTELS, RESTAURANTS & BOAT HOUSE CLUB 8.30 P.M. ONWARDS INDEPENDENTLY CO-ORDINATED BY BATCHES 4-OCT-13 SCHOOL PROGRAMME SCHOOL MARCH-PAST, ATHELATICS, DRILL DISPLAY, INVITATIONAL RELAYS OB’s MARCH-PAST &FOOTBALL MATCH 10.00 AM 3.00 PM DRESS CODE FOR OB’s MARCH-PAST- COLLEGE CAPS/TIES/BLAZER GALA DINNER & TEACHER’S FELICITATION BALRAMPUR HOUSE, MALLITAL, NAINITAL 6.30 PM 11.30 PM ORGANISED BY OBA ACCOMPANIED BY OB-MUSICAL BAND 5-OCT-13 GOLF & PICNIC GOVERNMENT GROUNDS 8.00AM 3.00 PM ORGANISED BY THE SCHOOL TRUST SUPPORT STAFF FELICITATION SCHOOL 5.00 PM 6.00 PM SPEECH BY THE PRESIDENT DINNER FOR EX-STUDENTS SCHOOL DINING HALL 7.00 PM ONWARDS HOSTED BY THE SCHOOLWednesday 2nd October Marathon organised and coordinated by Mr. Harish Tewari 89, 9557284059,run2livelikeme@gmail.com .The multiple events will be flagged off from the DSA – Flats Mallital w.e.f. 7.30 am after the College Anthem. All the races will end in the College 1st Field by 9.30 am and, the Prizes shall be distributed by the Principal / Rtd Teachers/Brothers and old boys and The Sahara Q Country Business Head present at 10.30 amThursday 3rd October The morning mass will be held in the College Chapel at 7:30 a.m. Fete in the College first fieldhaving various Stalls, Souvenir Counters, Rock Music and Food Court. The School classrooms will be open for viewing School Presentations and developments. A Nostalgic film clippings of “SEM†from 1956 to 1966 will also be screened in one of the Classrooms. The Indoor Games Room, the Billiards Room, the Library, the Swimming Pool and the Stone Cross “Stonyâ€shall be kept open for going back to school times. The tuck shop with all the goodies will be run by the Kakey. Relish the bum cakesand the fudges of the yester years! Early arrivals in the evening can enjoy the Audio - Visual of the Spectacular “Lion King†which will be staged in the school auditorium - A School Boys presentation of the Broadway Show.Those who miss out or cannot be accommodated in the Audi may proceed for their BATCH GET TOGETHER as per their batch programmes. Friday 4th October The School first field unfolds with the joint program of the present school boys March Past followed by their drill display. The Athletics for the past and present boys, the invitational relays and the tug of war will be followed by the Old Boys March Past NOTE : - The March Past will led by the President - OBA, followed by past Presidents, proceeded by the years in order. Suggested dress-code is College-Cap, College-Tie and a Blazer / Navy Blue CoatThe finale will be OB’S Soccer/ Futta match that will culminate the proceedings in the school for the Day.In the evening the Gala Dinner hosted by the OBA will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Lawns of the Balrampur House, Mallital, Nainital. The program will start with the Welcome speech of the President - OBA followed by the felicitation of all teachers retired and serving. A Vote of Thanks for the occasion will be followed by a Cocktail and Dinner accompanied by Music- the Rock Band of the young Semites. Saturday 5th October The morning session starts for the Golfers going into the Memorable Guvvies. The lunch arranged is at the same venue - coordinated by Ex-Student’s Trust. This wonderful session would taper off by 3 p.m. Later in the evening theOB’S will be felicitating the Support Staff of the School and Dinner hosted by the Principal, St Joseph’s Colleges thus culminating the 125th Celebrations of St. Joseph’s College Nainital.This paves for way to Strengthen the Bonds between the Old Boys and Sem“Certa Bonum Certamenâ€Link http://em.explara.com/widget/sem-oba-mini-marathon for registrations of the SEM OBA Mini Marathon.Also all are requested to view the Advertisments of the 125Celebrations as given below
Publication Edition Insertions Issue Release date Day Magazine Issue Date India Today - Hindi UP (Uttar Pradesh, Uttrakhand) Split 22nd Sep,2013 Sunday 2 Oct,2013 Hindustan Times - Main Delhi NCR, Gurgaon,
Upcountry (Western UP, Uttrakhand & Jaipur) 25th Sep,2013 Wednesday India Today - English Delhi NCR Split 27th Sep,2013 Friday 7 Oct,2013 Mail Today - English Delhi NCR 28th Sep,2013 Saturday Aspire - English National 4th Oct,2013 Friday 14 Oct,2013Thanking You,Ranvir SinghPresidentSEM OBA
SEM 125th Anniversary Souvenirs [ Dated: Sep/22/2013 ]
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SEM 125th Anniversary Souvenirs images has been added to the Picture Gallery.Click Here to download the Price List.
Major Rajesh Adhikari [ Dated: Sep/10/2013 ]
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Letter submitted to the Principal on 9th September, 2013 by the President of SEM OBA.Click Here to view the letter.
Advertisement Forms [ Dated: Aug/15/2013 ]
Attached are the two formats of Advertisement Forms.
Advertisment in the Brochure [ Dated: Aug/06/2013 ]
Dear Friends & Semites,It is a source of great pleasure to inform you that ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE, Nainital - our Alma Mater, a Renowned Educational Center, is celebrating its “ 125th Anniversaryâ€. To mark the occasion, the School Authorities and the Old Boys Association (OBA) are organising a Grand Show in Nainital from 02 - 06 October 2013. The celebrations will cover a myriad of events. It is expected that approximately 1000 Alumni - Worldwide, and parents of Children studying in the school will be attending the celebrations. To mark the event, The OBA will be bringing out a Brochure, encompassing the last 25 years of the school. This will complement the Centenary Brochure brought out in 1988, which covered the First Century of the School. The cost of bringing out these Brochures is proposed to be met from the proceeds collected via these Advertisements. The surplus funds generated will be utilised to improve and modernise the infrastructure of the school. These funds will complement the funds generated by sale of Souvenirs etc. The 2000 sets of Brochures – A Collector’s Item - would provide an excellent opportunity for Corporates, individuals etc to reach out to the vast Alumni & Friends of the school. We would appeal to everyone to assist us in this noble venture by advertising in this Brochure.The Advertisement is in Free Form and the Advertiser will be sent a copy of the Brochure. We shall be having a Gift Box of 2 Brochures i.e., ONE Centenary Brochure which will be a B/W original reproduction of the old one (1988 - A Collectors Item ) plus ONE new "125 Celeb Brochure". Please send in your Ads in soft Copy - PDF format,Or hard copy as per the advertisers convenience. The finished size of the brochure being 8.25â€x 10.5†and the paper used in printing will be magano matt with 4color printing and side stitched perfect bound. Layout is PortraitSizes of advertisements:Full Page : 8.25â€x 10.5†(Bleed extra): 7.25†x 9.5†(If not bled)Half Page : 6.75†x 4.5â€Quarter Page : 3.50†x 4.5â€.Please send in your Ads in soft Copy - PDF format, or hard copy as per the advertisers convenience. to brochure125@semoba.in by 25th August 2013.The advertisement rates are priced as below:Back cover: Rs. 1,50,000/-Inside Front / Back cover: Rs. 1,00,000/-Full Page: Rs. 50,000/-Half Page: Rs. 25,000/-Quarter Page: Rs. 15,000/-A/C payee cheques / NEFT / RTGS may please be made as given below :St Joseph’s College Old Boys AssociationBank Name: HDFC BankCurrent A/C no 03962000003644Mode: RTGS / NEFT / IFSC : HDFC0000396Bank Address: Shop no 2,3,4,&5 Charmwood Bazaar, Charamwood Village, Surajkund Road, Faridabad - 121009Thanking you for Your Generosity and the Sem Spirit!Certa Bonum CertamenRanvir SinghPresident SJC- Old Boy's Association
125th Celebrations [ Dated: Jul/19/2013 ]
Dear All,1. We have already circulated the final list of program for the 125 Year Celebration from 03 -06 October 2013. In addition to these, the OBA is organizing a mini-marathon, open to all residents and schools of Naini Tal. The objectives behind this event is to give the school local exposure and afford an opportunity to everyone to get to participate in our celebrations. Harish Tiwari, our Old Boy and A National Athlete is organising the event. As per the final list of events, the OBA is responsible for the following-A. Mini Marathon on 2nd Oct Morning (Wed. 2nd Oct 2013: 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon)B. Gala Dinner on the 4th of October at Balrampur House. (Friday 4th Oct. 2013: 7:00 PM to 11:30 PM)C. Felicitation of College Staff, including Class 4, as well as Former Teachers (Sat. 5thOct 2013: 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM)D. Golf /Picnic / Lunch at Government Grounds on 06 October. (Sun. 6th Oct.1013: 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM)E. 125th Anniversary Brochure which includes the 1988 Centenary Brochure2. Everyone will appreciate that all these activities will require money to get organised and ready, well in time. We, would therefore request all to come forward and help us by generously donating money. This will go a long way in helping us make the event a great success and one that we will remain etched in our memories. There are several ways in which, Old Boys can help out. These are-We would request that where Old Boys can arrange any assistance, they should come forward.a. Make direct donations to the 125 year bank account set up for the purpose.b. Sponsor the events, such as the drinks, the prizes for the mini marathon, t-shirts for the mini marathon and Souvinersc. Sponsor manufacture of the souvenirs. In this connection, we are grateful to Anant Chandola, of Benetton in organising that Benettons will give us 300 T-shirts on the occasion.d. Generously release advertisements for the Brochure.e. There may be other avenues, which are not listed above, but which will also help.3. It would be obvious that most of these expenses are recoverable, once the event get under way, for instance, revenue would be generated by sale of souvenirs, brochure etc. The dinner at Balrampur House would be contributory. However, that would not be the case with the mini-marathon or the Teachers Felicitation. A relevant question at this point would be the disposal of the surplus generated. The current plans of the OBA are utilise this money to strengthen the OBA and help improve the infrastructure and facilities at Sem.IT IS OUR ASSURANCE THAT ALL FUNDS WILL BE FULLY ACCOUNTED FOR, AUDITED, PUBLISHED, SCRUTINISED AND THEREAFTER APPROVED BY THE GENERAL BODY OF THE OBA.4. In order to facilitate donations, the OBA has opened a special Bank Account for the event.The details are : -BANK HDFC BANKBRANCH CHARMWOOD VILLAGE, FARIDABAD, HARYANAACCOUNT ST JOSEPH'S COLLEGE, NAINI TAL OLD BOYS ASSOCIATION, 125 YEAR CELEBRATIONACCOUNT NO 03967630000201RTGS/NEFT/IFSC HDFC0000396The details are also being put up on the OBA website www.semoba.in. The OBA Treasurer, Sanjay Goel, (098 103 13201) & treasurer@semoba.in / sanjaygoel51@gmail.com will co-ordinate the account.5. All Old Boys should continue to take membership of the OBA, as given on the web-site. Join in and give strength to the OBA!6. We would be putting all news, announcements of the event on our web-site, and all Old Boys can visit the site to get to know the latest happenings.Looking forward to your active support.CERTA BONUM CERTAMEN!Best RegardsRanvir SinghPresident, SJC OBA
125th Anniversary Program for October 2013 in Nainital [ Dated: Jul/04/2013 ]
Wednesday 2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti):1. A marathon organized by Mr. Harish Tewari SEM 89 National Athlete SJC-OBA. (OPEN TO ALL)Thursday 3rd October:1. Morning Mass in the school chapel2. Afternoon fete in the 1st field SEM3. College concert in the first field (School Program) 5:00 pm to 8:00 pmFriday 4th October:1. P.T. display by school children/ Relays/ Football match and the OBA March Past2. Evening OBA gala dinner at Balrampur houseSaturday 5th October (program by school to be given):1. Late afternoon/ Evening felicitation of OB’s / Staff and Alumni presentation followed by School- dinner in the SchoolSunday 6th October:1. Picnic in the Government Grounds accompanied by Golf / Lunch / Tea2. BreakupNote: Use of excessive transport to and fro SEM should be avoided due to narrow roads and parking space.
[SJC] T-shirt Design Survey - Have your say [ Dated: Jun/29/2013 ]
The souvenir design team has come up with four T-shirt designs that are to be used on the Benetton T-shirts.Now its up to you to choose the one that you like best.Please visit the below mentioned link and vote for the design that you like.Also mentioned with the design are a few 'Tag-lines' to go with the official logo for the 125th.Choose your favorite tag line for the 125th anniversary.Request all to please spare 5 minutes of your time to please voice your opinion.
Address by President [ Dated: May/09/2013 ]
Dearest Friends and Semites
St Joseph's College, Nainital (SEM) is one of the country's oldest and best known schools run by the Irish Christian Brothers, The school completes 125 years of existence this year. For a long time, we required to have a body representing the Old Boys and the first steps were taken by Col Rana Roy (1961) and Major (later Lt Gen) Shanker Ghosh, who brought out the Sem Tattler, a magazine that had news of the old boys to every one's door steps. It is to the credit of Col Rana Roy that the Tattler still exists and continues to do an excellent job. Later in the years after the Centenary, Shailesh Misra (87) and Darpan Gupta (96) started the Yahoo group on the net much before the Social Networking started. Full credit to these lads of SEM for binding us all and, and help us interacting always. Hats off to them!
In the early 1980's, a group of Old Boys got together in Delhi and formed an Old Boys Association. This body gradually gained steam, and the OBA proved its worth in the Centenary Celebrations in 1988. The OBA, along with the school. organized a great show. That's when we celebrated the Centenary, the 100th Birthday of Grand old SEM! Unfortunately, a few years later the OBA went into hibernation. Then it was in 2005, that once again the Old Boys organized a dinner at KOTA House, New Delhi and revived the SJC-OBA.
This group acting upon the advice given by the late Bro TP Fitzpatrick registered the body with the Registrar of Societies, New Delhi. Now the executive committee is a democratically elected body and enjoys a two-year term: The accounts are regularly audited, presented before the General Body and passed by them and, as a matter-of-fact; the next AGM is scheduled for 05 May 2013 in New Delhi.
The OBA has concentrated its efforts in bringing the Old Boys together. These efforts have paid off in that, and besides Delhi and Naini Tal, get togethers have been held in Mumbai, Pune, Dehradun, and Bareilly etc. Later this month end a meeting is on at Bangalore and later in May we will see an event in Kathmandu too. All these efforts have brought a majority of the Old Boys under one banner and given opportunities for networking and mutual assistance.
A major initiative has been to honor our old teachers with a one-time cash purse. Last year the OBA has been able to support Mr. PL Sah Chemistry Teacher, Mr. SC Sah Biology Teacher and Mrs.Tahir the Arts Teacherus with cheques of 51,000/= each. Earlier, Mr. R. Chandra the Hindi Teacher was honored.
The OBA is now preparing to meet the challenges of the 125 year celebrations. Mumbai-Pune has always led from the front, taking initiative and this second meeting of this Chapter in the current year is proof enough. Mr. Jagdish Thackersey, Mr Sagar Engineer, Mr Deepak Gandhi, Mr Ashok Daga and MrVivekMakar have always been at the helm of all the movements. These are just a few names amongst all of you and e ach one of you is the very best of SEM.
The various committees formed by the OBA for the 125th year celebrations are getting the arrangements together. Samples of the souvenirs are ready. They have been accepted by the school and the orders will be placed at the appropriate time.
The OBA now also proposes in helping the school to (i) cover and upgrade the swimming pool and (ii) have a modern acoustic system for the concert Hall. This calls for a concerted effort and we have to raise funds on a regular basis.
The swimming pool modernization is proposed to be designed and completed by the Semite Architects and, shortly the Principal Dr. Peter Emanuel shall be sending us the details for both the requirements. For all this we need Sponsors’ and funds! Sem needs us!
The funds would also help the OBA meet its objectives. The membership fees are a single-time fee of Rs 2500/- (Rs 1500/- for those who passed out after 2002). The fees can be handed over by cheque or in cash to your OBA Representative or to whomsoever he nominates and the Bank details of the dedicated Bank a/c are herein attached.
The OBA is very keen that all Old Boys participate & join the OBA and help in modernizing the concept of Sem. Changes should be on-going, and that is what life is all about. The SJC-OBA is ONE and always will remain that way and the changes to its outlook can only come with the joining in of the newer generation of SEM pass-outs having a wider, modern and intelligent vision, hence I urge more Semites to join and give suggestions and lead from the front.
I am happy to see that there is lots of hustle-bustle in the social networking arena and the Lads of SEM are getting ready now! That is a very welcome sign! Welcome all Semites! So.... COME ON SEM.....!
Shortly the OBA website www.semoba.in is being re-launched and all members can always log in at will and get updated with their long-lost friends and share the best at all times and also guide the fresh pass-outs. All are always welcome to assist and share for the benefit of Semites and the Alumni.
With Best Wishes
Certa Bonum Certamen
Ranvir Singh (68)